VSP Direct Coupon Codes
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Get an Extra $50 to Spend on Featured Frame Brands
Get an Extra $50 to Spend on Featured Frame Brands, Maximize your benefits with an extra $50 to spend. A great option for those consumers who are at or nearing retirement and want to continue their doctor/patient relationship. Consumers can be retiree falling off of a company group plan or a COBRA plan and now need vision coverage.
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VSP Direct Reviews
My VSP savings statement was $659.00 without coverage and $128.00 with the coverage. I was told that my glasses would take 10 working days to arrive from VSP labs or possible sooner according to their recent turnaround. My order went out from my doctor's office Monday the 5th and awaiting to receive my new glasses. Well Vision Exam process was great and savings was remarkable. I have nothing negative to say about VSP. I highly recommend them if you like savings and quality Customer service. Now I'm hoping that I receive my glasses as promised. Will update you on the result when this happens. :)
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