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Latest Verified Economist Coupon Code And Discount Promotions For February 2025, Easy One-Click Savings with our Economist Promo Codes, Free To Use!

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15% Off Any Full-access Learning Plan

Get 15% Off Any Full-access Learning Plan When You Upgrade,I really appreciated that The Economist was adaptive to my learning.

Economist Reviews

I loved this course. They do a great job keeping the content fresh and drilling home the key concepts.

In terms of verbal, they really hit the nail on the head. It's good to look at the OG as well before the exam but overall, I couldn't ask for much more.

In regards to quant, I heard a few pepole grumble that it was good to give you a good theoretical overview but lacked the level of difficulty really high quant scorers look for. It's difficult for me to judge in this respect since I was much stronger at Verbal but definitely can't argue with my overall score of 730!

I would reccommend this course if you are studying at home and have to balance this with work etc.


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